Unbelievable Wildlife Photos: Capturing Africa’s Majestic Creatures Through an Amateur Lens.SM13

Unbelievable Wildlife Photos: Capturing Africa’s Majestic Creatures Through an Amateur Lens.SM13

Prepare to be amazed by the breathtaking wildlife photographs captured by Tomasz Szpila, an amateur photographer whose talent will leave you in awe.

Hailing from Poland, 38-year-old Szpila can capture stunning scenes from Africa’s animal kingdom.

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This captivating picture of a ‘lazy lion’ with flies resting on its face was captured in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park. Commenting on lions’ behavior in the wild, Szpila says: ‘When they find a comfortable place from which they can look after the area with a half-open eye, they may stay there all day. And even dozens of flies are not a reason to move.

From lions fiercely devouring their prey to gorillas tenderly cradling their newborns, his photographs showcase the beauty and emotion of Africa’s wildlife.

Szpila’s passion for documenting Africa’s wildlife blossomed during his first visit to Kenya in 2016. Since then, he has embarked on countless adventures across Sub-Saharan Africa, camera in hand.

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This transfixing picture shows a three-month-old lion cub, fur bloodied, partaking in a ‘lion’s feast’ in Botswana’s Okavango Delta region. Szpila says that the cub observed its surroundings throughout the meal. He notes: ‘Young lion cubs feed on their mother’s milk until they are seven months old. This does not prevent them from participating in the lion’s feasts, during which they supplement their dairy diet with meat.’

The region’s diverse animal species, distinct from those found on other continents, continue to captivate him. He notes, “Nature creates many exciting moments to observe – hunting predators are sometimes very dramatic.”

What sets Szpila’s photography apart is his ability to capture animals’ emotions, which he believes can resemble human emotions.

Careful not to disturb the animals, he mainly photographs them from off-road vehicles during safaris. Szpila explains, “You never know what you will see behind the next bush or hill.”

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This cleverly-framed picture – titled ‘Two-headed Beast’ – shows a pair of cheetahs in Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve.

For aspiring wildlife photographers, he offers valuable advice. Avoid photographing animals at noon when they seek shelter from the sun, as the resulting images may lack vibrancy.

Another common mistake is capturing photos through the roof opening of a vehicle. Szpila advises getting as close to the animals’ eye level as possible for more engaging and captivating shots.

Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of patience, as waiting for an animal to face the camera can yield extraordinary results.

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In this powerful shot, a group of five male cheetahs – known as the ‘Tano Bora coalition’ – try to overturn a topi, a type of antelope, in Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve. Szpila says: ‘It is worth paying attention to the cheetah on the righty, which stuck its fangs into the antelope’s jewels. This is a deliberate tactic aimed at knocking down the antelope as quickly as possible.’

Take a journey through Szpila’s extraordinary portfolio below and prepare to be transported to the heart of Africa’s wild wonders.


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